The purpose of Delta 360 is to control the budgets, approvals, payroll, and invoicing for customers in one system.
Delta 360 streamlines your life with speed and accuracy.
DELTA 360 Benefits
- Each client has their own custom portal
- Each portal lists all items and pricing approved for sale to individual client.
- Orders are placed to supplier through client portal
- When delivery is confirmed an invoice is created and sent to the client.
- This process assures fast and accurate invoicing.
- Employees punch into a specific geo-fenced job using Delta’s time keeping system.
- Each job has a corresponding department in payroll.
- The hours punched in the system are then compared to the budget for that job.
- Approved hours our sent to ADP for payroll processing.
- Actual monies paid out are sent back to Delta 360 and subsequently checked for accuracy.
- Job tickets are checked for proper approvals and Purchase Order Numbers
- Invoices are then generated.